Join AFD

"Love's Labours Lost," 2020
Become a Member
There has never been a more important time for you to join Arlington Friends of the Drama.
Join AFD today! Maintain your connection to our community of actors, directors, designers, set builders, costumers, make-up artists, sound engineers, props wranglers, and more.
We are hard at work planning for the next chapter of our theatre’s history. Bring us your ideas. Bring us your energy. Bring us your passion. Help us plan our future. Join us.
Member benefits:
The AFD Annual Directory of Members
The Prologue – Members’ e-newsletter – the latest AFD news, announcements, and special features
Invitations to general member meetings and special events
Email summaries of AFD board meetings
A vote in AFD elections
One complimentary ticket to any production(s) AFD is able to hold during the season
Membership plays a crucial role in charting our course. Only members can serve on AFD committees (Play Reading, 100th Anniversary Celebration, House Committee, etc.).
Can we count on you? Join today!
Jocelyn Hesse:
Become a Subscriber
If you don’t wish to participate in the activities of the theatre but prefer simply to attend AFD’s productions, you will receive:
One reserved seat for each play for the performance of your choice;
Receipt of The Prologue newsletter with theater news and announcements;
Invitation to membership meetings which provide theater news, entertainment. and refreshments;
A StageSource discount card for 2, providing discounts at area theaters;
A refrigerator magnet listing the upcoming season.