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Welcome back, J. Deschene!

Standing in the front of the theater and leaning on the stage, J. Deschene fully embodies the role of Director. She's precise, decisive, calm, and creative - fully honoring the words and intent of the playwright while giving the actors room to find their feet and use some creative flair.

As she pulls together the many actors and details for the upcoming production of Agatha Christie's "Witness for the Prosecution," it's a bit puzzling that she hasn't always been at the helm of the plays in which she's participated.

In fact, she was an actor and singer first - and came to directing because she was eager to have creative control of the productions of "Pirates of Penzance" and "Patience." "Pirates" was baptism by fire, as she was suddenly directing so many people acting, singing, dancing, along with musicians.

Last season, she came to AFD to direct "Game's Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays," and she found all the humor bits and beats with a cold precision that hit time after time.

AFD welcomes her back with open arms, happy to have her wit and wisdom guiding this diabolical and dynamic production.

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