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Still going strong! Join our spring meeting and check in with what's coming next season

During these extraordinary times, the AFD board has continued the work of managing and improving our beautiful theatre, and preparing for the time where we can once again welcome audiences back into our space.

Believe it or not, the time has again come for our Spring Members Meeting and the election of the Board for the 2021-2022 season. It goes without saying that we want to meet in the theatre, but sadly, for the second year in a row, that won’t be possible. The current board asks you to join us on Sunday April 25th at 7 p.m. for our Spring Members meeting, to take place on ZOOM.

We will make every effort to keep the proceedings brief. The major order of business will be to present the slate of AFD board members proposed by the Nominating Committee for your approval. We will also review our plans for the rest of the spring and summer, and preview our 2021-2022 season.

I look forward to seeing you in your ZOOM box on Sunday April 25th. Please email for the link to the zoom meeting:

For the AFD Board,

Judy Weinberg, AFD President


In accordance with Article VI, Section 1 and Article V, Section 5 of our Bylaws, the Nominating Committee respectfully submits the following slate of Officers and Directors for the 2021-22 season:

PRESIDENT Judy Weinberg (3rd year)

VICE-PRESIDENT Ginger Webb (2nd year)

TREASURER Shelley Brown (2nd year)

RECORDING SECRETARY Shayna Loeffler (2nd year)

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Jocelyn Hesse (1st year)

PROGRAM DIRECTOR Sandy Armstrong (1st year)

PUBLICITY DIRECTOR Greg Mancusi-Ungaro (1st year)

HOUSE DIRECTOR Charlie Carr (1st year)

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Iain Bason (1st year)

DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Abby Seidel (3rd year)

BOX OFFICE DIRECTOR Clare Livak (2nd year)

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Rich Trevino (re-elect for new 3-year term)

(Continuing: Stu Kazin, 2nd year; Joe Stallone, 3rd year*)

(*Joe replaced Brian Rehrig in mid-term)

NOMINATING COMMITTEE (3) Marie Gertje, Teri Muller, David Warnock

Respectfully submitted,

2020-21 Nominating Committee: Mary Babic, Charlie Carr (chair), Susan Harrington


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© 2024 AFD  |  Photos by Leslie Maiocco, Brigid Davis, Mary Babic   |  781-646-5922  |  22 Academy Street  Arlington, MA

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